…INDIRECT TAXATION, CASE LAW – Nec Plus Ultra Cosmetics (C-664/21). Exemptions for intra-community transactions. Compliance with substantive requirements. Court of Justice (comments by Marjan Kos) (H&I 2023/167) – Generali Seguros…

…Member States (as lex prior). Such earlier tax treaty between two EU Member States would then only apply to the extent that its provisions are compatible with those of a…

compared to current climate finance flows. Which approach–carbon revenues or exemptions– should be favoured in addressing equity concerns related to implementing a carbon price in international shipping? Recent research compares…

…EU Commission (Explanatory notes on VAT e-commerce rules, published September 2020, which can be consulted on https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/commission-guidelines_en). The dispute in the present case is whether Article 9a of the VAT…