…taxation, and the quest for tax certainty and increased ease of access to taxpayers should be the top-drawer priority in the next major announcement. [1] https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/doc/Budget_Speech.pdf [2] https://www.investindia.gov.in/team-india-blogs/shaping-future-evolving-india-us-bilateral-relations [3] https://ficci.in/UnionBudget2024-25/ficci_expectation.pdf…

…  Alessandro Bacci, Senior Petroleum Legal Analyst, PEPS, S&P Global Commodity Insights LinkedIn: Alessandro Bacci | LinkedIn Twitter: Alessandro Bacci (@AlexMiddleEast) / X (twitter.com) Email (work): alessandro.bacci@spglobal.com Email (personal): alessandro.bacci.fossi@gmail.com

…[13] DAC7, Annex V, Sec. I., A., 10. [14] DAC7, Annex V, Sec. I., A., 11. [15] https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattklein/2020/09/23/50m-join-the-creator-economy-as-new-platforms-emerge-to-help-anyone-produce-content–money/. [16] https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/the-creator-economy-could-approach-half-a-trillion-dollars-by-2027.html. [17] This is because, the promotional service rendered by DCCs…

…Refinitiv, intellectual property was centrally held within the Thomson Reuters group by a Swiss resident company. UK resident group companies provided services to the Swiss company. The services were described…

Commission, Proposal for a Council Directive on a Common Corporate Tax Base, COM(2016) 685 final, 25 October 2016 (withdrawn). [3] See European Commission, Proposal for a Council Directive on a…

…Tax Base, COM(2016) 685 final, 25 October 2016 (withdrawn). [3] See European Commission, Proposal for a Council Directive on a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, COM(2016) 683 final, 25 October…