…are identified in jurisdiction B as possible comparables. The two companies differ only in their compliance with environmental standards. One company complies with environmental standards in a similar way as…

…length principle is only applied in a cross-border context, thereby impeding the free and competitive allocation of resources within the EU internal market and favouring domestic transactions. The second issue…

…Shipping Business. g) Holding Company Business. h) Intellectual Property Business. i) Distribution and Service Centre Business. [20] See Paragraphs 18 and 19 of OECD MC Commentary on Article 5. Concerning…

…their bilateral convention’. The UN MC Commentary on Article 5 merely reproduced these statements from the OECD MC Commentary on Article 5. [10] Notably, one may consider that since UAE…

…intangible something, and based on a multiple of studies, intangible assets by digital, data- and technology-driven companies might currently be overvalued. The potential consequences of such overvaluation could not only…

…of international policy coherence and co-ordination. The OECD’s publicly stated plan going forward is to collect and then ‘produce comprehensive and systematic data, information, and tools to analyse the effects…

…[14C]. [16] OECD (n 1) 66. [17] PSLA 2015/4 (n 8) [16]. [18] ‘Comparison between audit and advance pricing arrangement features’, ATO (Web Page, 9 August 2022) <https://www.ato.gov.au/business/international-tax-for-business/in-detail/advance-pricing-arrangements/?page=4#Comparison_between_audit_and_advance_pricing_arrangement_features>. [19] OECD…