…its services, a combination of hardware, software and human input, via a software platform ‘Aladdin’ whose functionality ranged from portfolio analysis, trade modelling, compliance and risk modelling, corporate actions, trading…

…developing countries which seek excessive transfer pricing adjustments for advertising. marketing and promotion expenses incurred by taxpayers. [1] Para 9.35 of the OECD Guidelines [2] https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f74d1d32-afc3-402d-b56e-4f49ba354da6 [3] http://kluwertaxblog.com/2020/12/18/the-coca-cola-company-ruling-analysing-the-us-tax-courts-observations/ [4] https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/224838774.pdf…

…criterion of a similar nature’ remains a subject of contention Canada v Alta Energy Luxembourg S.A.R.L., 2020 FCA 43 (CanLII) (See for example http://kluwertaxblog.com/2020/02/27/alta-energy-treaty-shopping-is-no-abuse/ ) This central question was one…

…parent company which holds resident subsidiaries, but is precluded for resident sister companies the common parent company of which is tax resident of the UK.   [1] Trade and Cooperation…

…available at https://www.globalreporting.org/standards/media/2482/gri-207-tax-2019.pdf (accessed 02 May 2021).   [15] For further details, see European Commission, Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament And The Council – Business Taxation for…

…MAP Statistics per jurisdiction (OECD) https://www1.compareyourcountry.org/map-statistics/en/0/2288+2289+2290+2291+2292+2293+2294/default (accessed 20 January 2021). [9] OECD: Action 14 – OECD BEPS, https://www.oecd.org/tax/beps/beps-actions/action14/ (accessed 5 May 2021). [10] Report on the US (para.123), OECD: Action…