…limitations on it”, ‘International community strikes a ground-breaking tax deal for the digital age’, OECD, 8 October 2021, https://www.oecd.org/tax/international-community-strikes-a-ground-breaking-tax-deal-for-the-digital-age.htm. [10] See for a comparison, Maarten Wilde and Ciska Wisman, ‘OECD…

…decision in SK Telecom (Case C-593/19).[13]For a comment on SK Telecom (Case C-593/19), see G. Beretta, SK Telecom. Place of Supply – Effective Use and Enjoyment – Double Taxation, Non-Taxation…

Committee’s Working Paper no. 1013 on 19 April 2021. Notably, Romania requested the VAT Committee clarification regarding the application of place of supply rules in the case of services consisting…