The authors are winners of the Mitchell B. Carroll Prize for the last two consecutive years, as awarded at the International Fiscal Association global congresses in 2023 and 2024 in Cancún (Mexico) and Cape Town (South Africa), respectively.*  The compatibility of the Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR) with tax treaties based on the OECD or the…

The author would like to give thanks to Professor Daniel Gutmann, Professor Georg Kofler, and Simon Whitehead for an engaging and intellectually stimulating exchange of views on the CJEU’s judgment in X BV case through the emails. This post benefitted from it. However, the author is solely responsible for its content and no views expressed…

Part II. The (Toxic) Relationship of BO and GAAR in Light of the Husky Energy case. “[T]he concept of beneficial ownership is a basic principle of income taxation: the beneficial owner of income is the person who should be taxed on the income. [(…)] The concept of beneficial ownership is not a good anti-avoidance rule…

Part I. International treaty autonomous BO-GAAR relationship “[T]he concept of beneficial ownership is a basic principle of income taxation: the beneficial owner of income is the person who should be taxed on the income. [(…)] The concept of beneficial ownership is not a good anti-avoidance rule for dealing with conduit and other tax avoidance arrangements….

“[A]ny State claiming a pioneer role in the development of new technologies bears special responsibility for striking the right balance in this regard” – The European Court of Human Rights in the S. and Marper v. the UK case (4 December 2008) [para. 112] 1        Introduction Fundamental taxpayers’ rights impose on regalian authorities the obligation to be…

“[I]n this world, with great power comes great responsibility!” – Uncle Ben advice to the young Peter Parker, the 1962 Amazing Fantasy #15, by Stan Lee 1        Introduction Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) systems in tax law are needed to comply with principles of law such as legality, proportionality and non-discrimination. A sufficient degree of explainability…

1          AI and XAI in tax law   [1][2] Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are becoming increasingly central in the global economy. According to PWC estimates, they may provide boosts of up to 26% to local economies, which could lead to an increase of USD 15.7 trillion to global GDP. They are also gaining relevance in the context…

Articles 3 and 6 ATAD: a dangerous EU legislative mix In the forthcoming issue of Intertax, I make an in-depth analysis of the issues concerning the partial implementation of the EU GAAR, as enshrined in Article 6 ATAD, by Poland in 2019. One of the main hypotheses is that the combination of Articles 6 and…

Błażej Kuźniacki (ACTL, University of Amsterdam; PwC Poland) Kamil Tyliński (Mishcon de Reya LLP; UCL School of Management) Every new method or procedure involves not only potential benefits but also risks of unwanted, and sometimes serious consequences. It is therefore crucial to be able to identify the risks prior to any implementation of the new…

Inspiration, purpose and the context of this contribution In the article “The PPT in Post-BEPS Tax Treaty Law: It Is a GAAR but Just a GAAR!”, Professor Robert Danon convincingly demonstrated that “while the PPT certainly permits a purposive interpretation, it may not be used to build into tax treaty law additional requirements that were…

The text represents the personal views of the author, which do not purport to represent the view of Poland’s Ministry of Finance. In the judgement in X GmbH (Case C-135/17), on 26 February 2019, the CJEU for the first time examined a compatibility of CFC rules with the EU primary law to the extent of…

The text represents the personal views of the author, which do not purport to represent the view of Poland’s Ministry of Finance. In the judgement in X GmbH (Case C-135/17), on 26 February 2019, the CJEU for the first time examined a compatibility of CFC rules with the EU primary law to the extent of…

The text represents the personal views of the author, which do not purport to represent the view of Poland’s Ministry of Finance. In the judgement in X GmbH (Case C-135/17), on 26 February 2019, the CJEU for the first time examined a compatibility of CFC rules with the EU primary law to the extent of…

This second and last part of the contribution concentrates on the present and future of artificial intelligence (AI)[1] and tax law. Let us see if AI can be happily married with tax law in order to get the best of both worlds. Present: Assisting Rather Than Replacing of Tax Lawyers All of the features that…