…and E-Commerce: Taxing Business Profits in the New Economy. [8] www.oecd.org/…/tax-challenges-digitalisation-part-2-comments-on-request-for-input-2017.pdf [9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDmxwlkJkDQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcJMt75wDgM [10] See Teijeiro, MLI minimum standards on treaty shopping and mutual agreement procedure. LATAM countries’ position,…

…each appoint members to a joint committee, known as the ‘conference committee’. This committee will negotiate between the two versions of the bill by section until identical language evolves for…

…France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania, and Slovenia. [9] https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/tax-fight-draws-divisions-at-eu-digital-summit/ Digital giants urged EU to refrain from unilateral moves on this area right thereafter https://in.reuters.com/article/us-eu-tax-digital-usa/u-s-companies-urge-eu-to-refrain-from-unilateral-moves-on-web-tax-idINKCN1C113B [10] http://www.oecd.org/tax/beps/oecd-invites-public-input-on-the-tax-challenges-of-digitalisation.htm…

compensation; one does not deduct a residual compensation from a routine compensationI assume that this method of calculating the PE profits were chosen, because the authors realised the practical impossibility…