…Conseil d’État, the Commission received several complaints from undertakings unable to request reimbursements of advance payments made by French companies which had received dividends of foreign origin. The Commission sent…

…entity achieves. Captive insurances are by nature less diversified as compared to commercial insurers, therefore, a slightly higher capital ratio seems to be justified. Furthermore, the quality of assets is…

…<http://www. internationaltaxreview.com/Article/3832008/Mexico-confirms-that-US-may-qualify-as-a-preferential-tax-regime-in-light-of-the-2017-Tax-Cuts-and.html>. Last access on September 14, 2018. [2] See EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Fair Taxation: EU publishes list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. Brussels, published on December 05, 2017. Available at: <http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-5121_en.htm>….