…non-resident companies remined identical for decades until 2003. In each country, a non-resident company trading through a branch in that country was chargeable to corporation tax on trading income arising…

…http://www.sarocha.com.br/livros/BRAZIL-INTERNATIONAL-TAX-POLICY_Final.pdf. [3] The text is available at this link: http://kluwertaxblog.com/2019/07/30/brazilian-tp-missed-opportunities-ahead/. [4] See: Sergio André Rocha, Brazil’s International Tax Policy (Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2017) p. 155-165. Available at: http://www.sarocha.com.br/livros/BRAZIL-INTERNATIONAL-TAX-POLICY_Final.pdf….

…dividend article 10. At issue was whether dividends paid by a South African resident company to its parent company should be subject to withholding tax at the rate of 5%…