Mees Vergouwen[1] On 21 June 2023, the Netherlands and Belgium signed a new tax treaty.[2] Part of (the protocol to) this tax treaty is a subordination clause[3] that provides that “nothing in this treaty shall prevent the application (…) of Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022 on ensuring a global minimum level of…

Introduction On 8 February 2023, Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General of the OECD, hosted the OECD’s first  Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA). As its name indicates and as many readers will be familiar with due to their experience with the OECD’s Inclusive Framework on BEPs, ICFMA aims to provide a ‘safe space’ for participants to…

On 28 September 2022, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published its Bilateral Advance Pricing Arrangement Manual (BAPAM).[1] The BAPAM aims to help streamline bilateral advance pricing arrangement (BAPA) programs by providing 29 best practice recommendations to resolve commonly experienced issues.[2] Advance pricing arrangements (APAs) are a prospective dispute resolution mechanism for cross-border…

“Oh, I was so happy when I was told you were in the panel!” It is always nice that someone is pleased with your presence, but this surprised me a bit. The OECD employee who made this confession had only just met me in the taxi that would bring us to the conference. Seeing my…

Even before introduction of the BEPS PPT, the UK has had purpose-based provisions in various forms, designed to limit access to treaty benefits in its double tax treaties since the 1960’s. Its standard formulation first appeared in 1992.  Surprisingly, the first case in which the meaning and application of this wording in a tax treaty…

Two years on since Chapter X of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (Chapter X) was published in February 2020, the practical transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions are due another look. While financial transactions were often ignored once put in place, administrative practice, case law, interaction with interest limitation rules and new guidance have elevated…

The very recent CJEU judgement in Berlin Chemie A. Menarini v Administraţia Fiscală pentru Contribuabili Mijlocii Bucureşti (Case C-333/20) ECLI:EU:C:2022:291, admirably examined by Giorgio Beretta last week considered the circumstances in which a subsidiary might be a VAT fixed establishment (FE) of its parent company or another affiliate. A Romanian company supplied advertising, marketing and…

Prof.M.F. (Maarten) de Wilde[1] Summary Yesterday, on 14 March 2022, the OECD published the Commentary on the Pillar 2 Model Rules, the global minimum rate for large multinationals. When reading the first pages, the author was overwhelmed by the urge to write this opinion and, ‘equally, however’, to make a connection with an animal farm….

Trésor-Gauthier M. Kalonji [1] Summary The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken several rules applicable in conventional tax law, in particular with regard to determining the conditions for qualifying a “building site or construction or installation project” as a permanent establishment (hereafter “PE”), as defined by the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (hereafter…

Prof.dr. M.F. (Maarten) de Wilde[1] Summary On 20 December 2021, the OECD published the announced Pillar Two Model Rules, as part of the envisaged establishment of a global 15% minimum level of company taxation for large multinationals (Pillar 2). No mechanism has been considered to provide for a parallel adaptation of countries’ tax treaty networks…

Introduction On 8th October 2021, 136 jurisdictions reached an historic agreement to reform the international tax system and, in the words of the OECD, bring it into the 21st century.[1]  The so-called two-pillar solution was presented to the G-20 Finance Ministers and the G-20 Leaders, who endorsed it. Thus, the future work of the OECD…

G E Financial Investments Limited v HMRC [2021] UKFTT 210 (TC)  raised central aspects of the interpretation of double tax treaties. My previous blogs considered the corporate residence  under article 4(1) of the UK-US Double Tax Treaty and the existence of a permanent establishment under article 5(1) of the treaty. The First-tier Tribunal decided that…

Just two weeks ago on 8 October 2021, 136 of 140 member countries of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework agreed on a global tax deal that also features the GloBE international effective minimum tax (the so-called Pillar 2 of their work program). The G20 finance ministers backed the deal in their subsequent meeting, too. The agreement…

Though India has been having tax treaties with over 90 countries across the globe for several decades now, interpretation of various provisions of the treaties continues to be a subject matter of protracted litigation to date. Many issues remain vexed in India, as very few of them are settled at the Supreme Court level. As…