*This post was first published on the website of Maastricht University*   In recent weeks the tax world gave a lot of attention to how President Trump blew up some serious advancements in international tax law, long in the making. One of those advancements was the introduction of a minimum tax on profits of the…

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ” it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.” (Lewis Carroll, Alice through the Looking Glass) Prior to the OECD’s 10 year project on attribution of profits to permanent establishments, there were very few reported cases on…

Summary While the U.S. has pulled out from the Global Tax Deal early 2025, threatening taking countermeasures, the latest batch of Inclusive Framework (IF) documents state several times that the IF countries accept the Pillar Two Model Rules and guidance and everything that is devised within the IF context as part of the ‘common approach’…

Within hours of his appointment, Donald Trump issued a memorandum in which he rejects the Global Tax Deal conceived by the OECD/G20. The new US president stresses that it has “no force or effect within the United States”  without an act by the Congress adopting the relevant provisions of the agreement. The memo is bluntly…

Art 23 of the OECD and UN Model treaties are seldom exactly followed in state treaty practice. More often, the basic principles of relief by credit or exemption in arts 23A and B are tailored to meet specific requirements of contracting states.  The United States is a case in point. Since it taxes its citizens…

Switzerland has suspended the application of the most favoured nation clause contained in the protocol to its 1994 tax treaty with India. This was done in response to the Supreme Court of India’s judgement in Nestlé.[1] This action appears to have raised a number of legal questions with respect to reciprocity in tax treaty interpretation…

On 22 November 2024 more than 300 tax experts gathered in Rome for the first Italian International tax conference organized by Italian Association of Joint Stock Companies (Assonime). Under the patronage of the OECD, the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the event brought together business representatives and institutions to…

The author would like to give thanks to Professor Daniel Gutmann, Professor Georg Kofler, and Simon Whitehead for an engaging and intellectually stimulating exchange of views on the CJEU’s judgment in X BV case through the emails. This post benefitted from it. However, the author is solely responsible for its content and no views expressed…

After the silent collapse of Pillar One earlier this summer, as it now seems, the question as to what’s next seems to be moving up business agendas and political agendas. On an informal meeting of tax practitioners from business and consultancy in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on 24 September 2024, the author of the current blog…

One strategic response of countries to the Global Minimum Tax (the GloBE rules) would be restructuring their tax incentives. The top-up tax effectively nullifies any tax incentive that brings the effective tax rate below 15%. This would push countries to redesign tax incentives that would otherwise produce an effective tax rate below 15%. In a…

The Pillar 2 initiative (GloBE and QDMTT) has been seen as the end of using low effective corporate income tax rates (either by virtue of low nominal corporate income tax rates and/or through the use of tax incentives) as a means to attract foreign investors.  Sacrifices made by the host country in terms of lower…

Reader in Tax Law, King’s College London (Autumn 2024) The past 30 June 2024 was anticipated to be a historic moment. Inclusive Framework’s (IF) countries, both developed and developing, were expected to publicly commit to a crucial element of the “global tax deal” by signing the Multilateral Convention (MLC) for the OECD Pillar One. Expectations…

Introduction  Throughout my professional life, I have worked with international tax law. Consequently, I have witnessed various trends and tendencies for more than a quarter of a century. The period during which I’ve been involved in tax law in my view represents a golden age for the discipline. Significant developments have occurred. During my student…

1. Background 1.1 An overview of current tax proposals The Omnibus Bill (Ley de Bases y Puntos de Partida para la Libertad de los Argentinos, the Bill) is a multi-purpose, comprehensive legislative proposal aimed at funneling and materializing several main objectives pursued by President Milei’s administration, concerning the restructuring of the public sector and the…