We are glad to announce that Dr Giorgio Beretta has joined the Kluwer International Tax Blog’s team as an editor, responsible for the new section of the blog dedicated to VAT/GST and indirect taxation.
Dr Beretta holds a PhD in Tax Law from LIUC University (Milan, Italy), where he defended his doctoral thesis on “European VAT and the Sharing Economy”.
His thesis has been published in the prestigious Wolters Kluwer EUCOTAX Series on European Taxation (No. 65) (https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/european-vat-and-the-sharing-economy/).
Moreover, at the international level, he has published several articles in top peer-reviewed international tax journals such as Intertax (Kluwer) and World Tax Journal (IBFD), as well as in other high-qualified journals such as EC Tax Review (Kluwer), Bulletin of International Taxation, European Taxation and International VAT Monitor (IBFD). He currently works as VAT advisor at PwC TLS – Italy.
In light of his appointment, we welcome articles on VAT/GST in particular and indirect taxation more in general. For this purpose, Dr. Beretta can be contacted at gberettakluwertaxblog@gmail.com or his LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/giorgio-beretta-b62bbb94/).
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