Volume 44 (2016) Issue 2 contains: EDITORIAL Dennis WEBER, ‘The New Common Minimum Anti-Abuse Rule in the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive: Background, Impact, Applicability, Purpose and Effect’ Abstract: Due to an amendment of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive, the EU Member States must include a ‘common minimum anti-abuse rule’ in their legislation for situations that fall under the…

What do these two things have in common?  Dr. Andrew P. Morriss, Dean & Anthony G. Buzbee Dean’s Endowed Chair, Texas A&M School of Law explains In 1998, seven US heavy-duty diesel engine (HDDE) manufacturers agreed to pay USD83m to settle a suit by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contending that the HDDE manufacturers had used clever…

Introduction On 28 January 2016, the proposal for a council directive laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the internal market (the so-called ATA-directive) has been published. Article 4 of the ATA directive contains an interest limitation rule that very closely resembles the German interest limitation rule which is…

Lessons to LatAm from recent developments of one of the oldest tax treaty networks in the region The final outcome of Action 6, BEPS, posses the query of adopting the principal purpose test (PPT) standard, and/or adopting LoB clauses. By reviewing recent changes to the Argentine tax treaty network, this contribution is a call for…

Volume 25 (2016) Issue 1 contains: EDITORIAL Pierre Moscovici, ‘Tough Measures Needed to Reform Tax on Corporate Profits’ ARTICLES Silvia Velarde ARAMAYO, ‘A Common GAAR to Protect the Harmonized Corporate Tax Base: More Chaos in the Labyrinth’ Abstract: The analysis of the general anti-avoidance tax rule in five countries of the European Union (United Kingdom,…

After a decade, the Treasury Department issued a new U.S. Model Income Tax Convention (the “2016 Model”), which is the baseline text the Treasury Department uses when it negotiates tax treaties (last updated in 2006). The 2016 Model includes a number of new provisions intended to more effectively implement the Treasury Department’s longstanding policy that…

When the EU Anti Tax Avoidance Package was launched by the European Commission, a Study on Structures of Aggressive Tax Planning and Indicators was released simultaneously as Taxation papers – Working paper N. 61- 2015, which is available: here. Reading the Study provides a good basis for understanding the reasoning behind the Anti Tax Avoidance…

Model tax treaties do matter. The OECD and UN Models constitute precedent books with standard clauses that contracting states can follow or adapt to suit their particular circumstances. The US Model treaty, in contrast, is a statement of intent. The preamble to the revised 2016 US Model Income Tax Convention released by the US Treasury…

(“Every in-house tax department should have their own IT/Financial systems capacity” – JHM, TP Minds London, 2015.) The unexpected benefit from country by reporting (“CbyC”) reporting is that tax departments may learn something about their own groups’ financial systems. What is there to learn? If you are in-house, answer these four questions: 1. Do you…

MNC profit shifting has received major attention over the past few years. Total earnings stockpiled overseas are now reported to be in excess of $2 trillion. One of the authors published a technical tax article in Tax Notes on July 13, 2015, demonstrating that foreign subsidiaries of many MNCs are highly vulnerable to IRS attack using an…

(about the switch-over clause in the ATA Directive) In order to combat BEPS, the European Commission is proposing to start taxing low taxed non-EU income. That sounds reasonable, but the consequence will be that in the EU, there will be no more profits to tax. This is a proposal that is not necessary to prevent…

On 28 January 2016, the European Commission issued its proposal for a Council Directive dealing with tax avoidance practices within the EU – the so-called Anti-BEPS Directive. The context of the proposal is well known: in a nutshell, the proposal results from the dual influences of the (thus far) failed 2011 CCCTB proposal and the…

I. Introduction Shall international tax planning decrease after the implementation of BEPS? The reply is “depends” by virtue of the subject’s exposure to several variables. Obviously, one should consider the question in the light of the legislative framework and tax environment of the relevant country which is in principle the country for which tax planning…

The IRS issued Notice 16-08 announcing that it will extend timelines or modify four elements of FATCA –  (1) modify the date for submitting to the IRS the preexisting account certifications required of certain foreign financial institutions (FFIs); (2) specify the period and date for submitting to the IRS the periodic certification of compliance for a registered deemed…