Brazil is known for its unique transfer pricing legislation. While in most countries the use of comparables is central for the application of the transfer pricing methods, the Brazilian system has conceived the “fixed margins”, as means of ensuring practicability[1]. The Brazilian legislation adopts the predetermined profit margins under the equivalents of the resale and…

The transition from bilateralism to multilateralism in regard of international law-making seems to be a relentless work in progress. Nobody contests that multilateralism would be – legally speaking – preferable. On the other hand, the governments of the G20 have been constantly hesitant regarding a multilateral surveillance of their macroeconomic policies. Formally, the treaties are…

The OECD has today published details of the peer review and monitoring process of the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) under Action 14 of the BEPS Action Plan. The framework includes the terms of reference for peer review based on the Action 14 final report minimum standards, an assessment methodology for the process and a reporting…

The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) is the European answer to the phenomenon of BEPS: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. Characteristically for tax avoidance by Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, is that it takes place within multinational groups (MNE’s). Therefore, the ATAD applies to these groups of companies. Nevertheless, the European Commission has chosen to also…

As previously reported on this Blog the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Package was presented on 28th January 2016. The package included: –          Recommendation on Tax Treaties –          Amended Directive on Mandatory Exchange of Information (CbC) –          External Strategy for Effective Taxation –          Anti-Tax-Avoidance Directive (ATAD) The overall policy objective of the package is: –          Effective taxation:…

Volume 44 (2016), Issue 8/9 contains: EDITORIAL: Andreas OESTREICHER, ‘To See or Not to See: That Is Not the Question’ ARTICLES: Georg KOFLER, ‘Some Reflections on the ‘Saving Clause’’ Abstract: Action 6 of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project deals with tax treaty abuse and proposes inter…

On September 14th, 2016, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (“RFB”) published the Normative Instruction RFB No. 1,658/2016, which included legal entities incorporated as holding companies in Austria in the list of privileged fiscal regimes. Although the list mentions “legal entities incorporated in the form of holding company“, the wording is imprecise, because the administration of…

An important question in the context of the recovery of fiscal state aid, is how the amount of the tax advantage to be recovered should be calculated. Recently, the Dutch legislator released a draft legislative proposal on the recovery of state aid. The starting point taken in this draft proposal is that the taxpayer should…

This has been an interesting session and for those who were not there, I am sure that the essence is reported elsewhere in the international tax press.  The deliberations lead me to the following additional thoughts. 1. As a remedy for even starting disputes: tax authorities should not take positions in making adjustments that they…

Random thoughts on presumptions on accuracy It is a fact that most in-house tax professionals know very little about their group’s financial systems.  E.g. very few know whether their companies deduct discounts from gross sales or from net sales; likewise very few know whether there are any employee expenses included in cost of goods sold…

Introduction. I have been actively supporting an EU based corporate income tax to reflect the single internal market rather than a fragmented framework with 28 competing tax laws. I’ve done so since the early 1990’s, after the publication of the Ruding Report (following earlier proposals by eg. Van den Tempel).  The CCCTB approach as introduced…

Tax practitioner’s in the northern hemisphere taking their summer holidays may well have included the OECD discussion draft of 5 July 2016 on the attribution of profits to permanent establishments as part of their holiday reading (a mere 40 pages). See post on July 21, 2016. Over 50 organisations and individuals submitted comments(published by the…

Much has been written – and probably even more has been said – about the different consequences of the Brexit vote. This is hardly a surprise: the decision is a first in the history of the European Union, and despite the existence of the nowadays (in?) famous Article 50, one still has trouble understanding how…

A considerable increase of transfer pricing disputes could be observed in Italy over the last decade. Notwithstanding the rising trend of proceedings activated by the Tax Authorities and further scrutinized by the Italian Courts, there is not – to date – a jurisprudential orientation such to provide the interpreter with the necessary guidance in the…