When the EU Anti Tax Avoidance Package was launched by the European Commission, a Study on Structures of Aggressive Tax Planning and Indicators was released simultaneously as Taxation papers – Working paper N. 61- 2015, which is available: here. Reading the Study provides a good basis for understanding the reasoning behind the Anti Tax Avoidance…

MNC profit shifting has received major attention over the past few years. Total earnings stockpiled overseas are now reported to be in excess of $2 trillion. One of the authors published a technical tax article in Tax Notes on July 13, 2015, demonstrating that foreign subsidiaries of many MNCs are highly vulnerable to IRS attack using an…

I. Introduction Shall international tax planning decrease after the implementation of BEPS? The reply is “depends” by virtue of the subject’s exposure to several variables. Obviously, one should consider the question in the light of the legislative framework and tax environment of the relevant country which is in principle the country for which tax planning…

The IRS issued Notice 16-08 announcing that it will extend timelines or modify four elements of FATCA –  (1) modify the date for submitting to the IRS the preexisting account certifications required of certain foreign financial institutions (FFIs); (2) specify the period and date for submitting to the IRS the periodic certification of compliance for a registered deemed…

The Indian Ministry of Finance released last month draft guidance on applying the “place of effective management” (POEM) test to determine tax residence of companies. The guidance came almost eight months after the Government substituted, through the 2015 Finance Act, the existing “control and management” test with the universal concept of POEM in Section 6(3)…

On January 15, 2016, in a joint (bi-partisan) letter of Senate Finance Committee Republicans and Democrats to US Treasury, one that will certainly be of interest to our friends at Wolters Kluwer (a Netherlands parent multinational enterprise), the Senate Finance Committee members encouraged Treasury to use a tit-for-tat strategy against the EU Commission.  The letter stated that…

In his last State of the Union speech on January 13, 2016 Obama put it quite clear: “The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It’s not even close.” With this statement Obama obviously addressed the position of the United States in terms of military capacity and its position in…

“Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” Benjamin Franklin Organisations generally, when starting a business in any country, concentrate on getting a licence to operate, in setting up an office, employing the correct staff and doing business. Otherwise, why else would an organisation…

Taxation is undoubtedly the unrivaled field where public interest needs and individual rights most evidently confront to each other. Until the second part of the last decade, the principle of reserve or legality which might be traced back to the Magna Carta, and was modernly adopted almost unanimously by western constitutionalism, set forth a clear…

The raison d’être of corporate taxation relates to the aim of achieving an impartial treatment of different legal forms in order to safeguard a level playing field for conducting business. In the EU this aim must be contemplated in conjunction with the objective of establishing an internal market free of fiscal barriers. The present post…

Written by Associate Professor, PhD, Michael Tell, Department of Law, Copenhagen Business School and Technical Advisor, CORIT Advisory. Darwin’s theory of evolution states that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors, while natural selection ensures that only the fittest survive and the others become evolutionary “dead-ends”. The aim of this blog contribution is to address…

The longstanding view on application of the arm’s length principle is that it is generally based on a comparison of the conditions in a controlled transaction with the conditions in transactions between independent enterprises. A transaction, for this purpose, almost always involves a contract. This is because a contract, whether made in writing, orally or…

In order to close this cycle of dissertations about non-discrimination in International Tax Law, we will finish by talking about the specific case of the Andean Countries. Decision 578 of the Andean Community – which is aimed at avoiding the double taxation of income and wealth taxes for taxpayers in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador…