Summary While the U.S. has pulled out from the Global Tax Deal early 2025, threatening taking countermeasures, the latest batch of Inclusive Framework (IF) documents state several times that the IF countries accept the Pillar Two Model Rules and guidance and everything that is devised within the IF context as part of the ‘common approach’…

The Pillar 2 initiative (GloBE and QDMTT) has been seen as the end of using low effective corporate income tax rates (either by virtue of low nominal corporate income tax rates and/or through the use of tax incentives) as a means to attract foreign investors.  Sacrifices made by the host country in terms of lower…

The GloBE Model Rules have introduced the Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax (QDMTT) into the ruleset of the international compromise on an effective minimum tax (“Pillar 2”). A QDMTT is defined as a domestic minimum tax that applies to local constituent entities of in-scope MNEs and produces outcomes that are consistent with the GloBE rules….