The authors would like to thank Bernard Appy, Secretary for Tax Reform at the Ministry of Finance (Brazil) for his comments and inputs. It is well established in the academic literature and suggested by international organizations that a broad-based VAT reduces distortions, increases economic efficiency, promotes growth and simplifies the system (Bird et al, 2007,…

Melina Rocha[1] The long-awaited tax reform to implement a VAT system in Brazil was finally enacted after more than 35 years of discussions and several failed attempts. The main issue that prevented its approval since the late 80’s was the conflict of interest between the Federal entities. Brazilian Constitution shares the jurisdiction to tax consumption…

Phelippe Toledo Pires de Oliveira[1] In late February 2022, the Brazilian federal government published a decree slashing the federal tax on manufactured goods (IPI). For those unfamiliar with the country’s taxes, IPI is one of the many VATs levied in Brazil. IPI is levied by the federal government and is often used as an excise…

Since the promulgation of its 1988 Constitution, Brazil has been trying to implement a national VAT. Over the past 30 years, the opposing interests of States and the Federal Government have caused at least three broad tax-reform proposals to fail in Congress. Moreover, several interest groups have also been opposed to changes. Such conflicts of…

Introduction There is no divine truth about what the Arm’s Length Standard (ALS) actually means. Its content can only be determined by a decision, which can be reached by a court or by means of political consensus. There is no international tax court with jurisdiction to promote harmonization among countries on the content of the…

In 2017, Brazil sent a formal request to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) to become one of its members. It seems that this decision — made by the economic team of former president Michel Temer — was not preceded by relevant discussions with areas potentially impacted by the occasional accession of the…

Since the news of the Brazilian request to accede to the OECD broke out, much has been speculated about the future of the Brazilian TP approach. Brazil is historically one of the major economies to deviate from the OECD Guidelines – and its approach has been severely criticized for that. Thus, it is no surprise…

On 11 July 2019, the event “Global Transfer Pricing Standard and Brazilian Approach: The Way Forward” took place in Brasilia, in which the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office (RFB) presented the main discrepancies between the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (TPG) and the Brazilian transfer pricing rules, an…

Brazilian Transfer Pricing Rules have been in force since 1996. When introduced, the intent of the legislator was clearly the prevention of tax evasion through manipulation of prices, though setting up a methodology easy to apply and to enforce. It is common sense that the methodology facilitates the fiscalization of tax officials and provides certainty…