Summary While the U.S. has pulled out from the Global Tax Deal early 2025, threatening taking countermeasures, the latest batch of Inclusive Framework (IF) documents state several times that the IF countries accept the Pillar Two Model Rules and guidance and everything that is devised within the IF context as part of the ‘common approach’…

After the silent collapse of Pillar One earlier this summer, as it now seems, the question as to what’s next seems to be moving up business agendas and political agendas. On an informal meeting of tax practitioners from business and consultancy in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on 24 September 2024, the author of the current blog…

Issues involving controversy surrounding the operation of the newly devised Pillar Two rules in company taxation seem to have moved strikingly up business agendas and political agendas recently. On an informal meeting of tax practitioners from business and consultancy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 30 May 2023, the author of the current blog was invited…

Maarten de Wilde[1] Summary On 19 February 2024 the Inclusive Framework on BEPS published its report on Amount B of Pillar One. The report adds to the discourse a standardised return-on-sales-oriented comparability analysis for the transfer pricing of low-risk distributors. The thing is called Simplified and Streamlined Approach (S&S Approach). Reading the report as it…

This is the second part of the authors’ blog on the Proposal for a Council Directive on Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) that the European Commission (EC) published on 12 September 2023. In this part we present our observations on the envisaged EU corporate tax framework BEFIT proposal. Reference is made to…

This is the first part of the authors’ blog on the Proposal for a Council Directive on Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) that the European Commission (EC) published on 12 September 2023. In this part we present an outline of the backgrounds and basic elements of the BEFIT proposal. Reference is made…

Summary Vietnam reportedly considers granting subsidies to large multinationals with direct investments in the country, to compensate them for the higher taxes they may have to face there following the country’s introduction of Pillar Two domestic minimum top-up taxation rules per 2024. The OECD warned Vietnamese government officials that if subsidies to multinationals were found…

 Summary The Court of the European Free Trade Association – the EFTA equivalent of the CJEU – now also is demarcating the room for manoeuvre for the Member States in company tax matters within the scope of the EEA Treaty freedoms by reference to the arm’s-length standard. The EFTA Court does so in the same…

Prof.M.F. (Maarten) de Wilde[1] Summary Yesterday, on 14 March 2022, the OECD published the Commentary on the Pillar 2 Model Rules, the global minimum rate for large multinationals. When reading the first pages, the author was overwhelmed by the urge to write this opinion and, ‘equally, however’, to make a connection with an animal farm….

Prof.dr. M.F. (Maarten) de Wilde[1] Summary On 20 December 2021, the OECD published the announced Pillar Two Model Rules, as part of the envisaged establishment of a global 15% minimum level of company taxation for large multinationals (Pillar 2). No mechanism has been considered to provide for a parallel adaptation of countries’ tax treaty networks…

Maarten de Wilde* Summary On March 31, 2021, U.S. President Biden released his ‘American Jobs Plan’, an ambitious proposal for large scale public investments in infrastructure and other priorities. That same day the American President announced plans to offset the costs of these investments with U.S. corporate tax increase proposals: the ‘Made in America Tax…

Summary There might be a leak in the OECD’s global minimum tax proposals (GLOBE; Pillar Two). To address the remaining challenges of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by large multinational enterprises the OECD envisages a global minimum level of company taxation and top-up taxation by countries up to that level where other countries do…