The path from bank secrecy to automatic exchange of information and beyond Giant steps towards international transparency: The 2008 and 2014 Milestones In 2015 OECD released its Update on Voluntary Disclosure Programs: A pathway to tax compliance, which was a renewed edition of the original survey published in 2010. The 2015 update was aimed at…

The post-BEPS international tax scenario is in transition to a much more inter-nation equitable system, where the national tax base will be much better protected against erosion and profit-shifting corporate manipulations than it was in pre-BEPS times. The international tax system, however, is not yet stable,[1] and despite OECD’s efforts to uniform national responses within…

Back in April this year, my contribution on the Panama Papers scandal started by saying that: “Massive leaks of information on offshore activity like the Panama Papers illustrate the need for enhanced global tax cooperation with an improved and deeper inter-jurisdictional information sharing scheme.”[1] It is not now my intention to follow the subsequent episodes…

1. The international context: OECD giant steps towards international transparency Last year OECD released its Update on Voluntary Disclosure Programs: A pathway to tax compliance, a renewed edition of the survey published in 2010; the 2015 update was aimed at providing guidance to governments wishing to offer taxpayers the chance to come forward and become…

Massive leaks of information on offshore activity like the Panama Papers illustrate the need for an enhanced global tax cooperation with an improved and deeper interjurisdictional information sharing scheme. In fact, efforts towards reaching a global tax cooperation on obtaining and sharing interjurisdictional information is a longstanding endeavor of the international community, whose origins may…

A critical appraisal of the EU Switch Over Rule and the Indian Equalization Levy At present, it is unavoidable to recognize that the international tax scenario is in transition to a much more inter-nation equitable system, where the national tax base will be better protected against erosion and profit-shifting corporate manipulations than it was in…

Lessons to LatAm from recent developments of one of the oldest tax treaty networks in the region The final outcome of Action 6, BEPS, posses the query of adopting the principal purpose test (PPT) standard, and/or adopting LoB clauses. By reviewing recent changes to the Argentine tax treaty network, this contribution is a call for…

Taxation is undoubtedly the unrivaled field where public interest needs and individual rights most evidently confront to each other. Until the second part of the last decade, the principle of reserve or legality which might be traced back to the Magna Carta, and was modernly adopted almost unanimously by western constitutionalism, set forth a clear…

An open door for emerging economies or the beginning of the end in international tax co-ordination In an article published earlier this year,[1. Teijeiro, Opening the Pandora’s Box in the International Tax Field (First Part), Tax Planning International Review, volume 42, #4 (April 2015), p. 4 ss.] I alerted on the instability of the current world tax…

In a globalized economy, financial crimes –including tax crimes– threaten the strategic, political and economic interest of developed and developing countries as well, and undermine confidence in the global financial system. The traditional perception was that tax evasion, even of a criminal nature, was somehow different from money laundering and other financial crimes (e.g., corruption),…

On august 7, 2015, OECD released its Update on Voluntary Disclosure Programmes: A pathway to tax compliance, a renewed edition of the survey published in 2010, aimed at providing guidance to governments wishing to offer taxpayers the chance to come forward and become compliant, regularizing their tax affairs and declare income and wealth that have…

Part 1 of the Report to G20 Development Working group (DWG) on the impact of BEPS in Low Income countries (LICs), dated July 2014, listed in its Section 6: Other High priority BEPS Issues for developing countries, paragraph c), the topic of base erosion through wasteful tax incentives designed to attract investment, labeling it as…