We are glad to announce that, as some readers might have already noted, a new feature has recently been added to the Kluwer International Tax Blog: cartoons (for those who missed the first one: https://kluwertaxblog.com/2020/09/14/legal-impediments-to-the-introduction-of-an-eu-wide-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism/).
Cartoons will be added as a feature to some articles published on the blog. We believe that this will be a very powerful addition. Rather than mere embellishments, cartoons are endowed with a natural ability to stimulate reflections from readers. With just a few strokes of a pen, cartoons can condense a complex situation into a single straightforward image, thus contributing to make sense of it. Last but not least, cartoons bring a smile to our ‘taxing’ life!
Here is the ‘About’ of the editorial cartoonist who will gladly share the ‘magic’ of his art with us.
Gianni Chiostri (Turin, Italy) is born as a humourist: there is humour in his graphic sign as well as in his talk.
He worked as a cartoonist for several Italian newspapers (Il Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa, Avvenire, Il Giornale) and also made his appearance in Italian TV shows (RAI). Gianni illustrated many books and magazines, but he equally had fun in designing satirical floats (Nice Carnival 2006) and eye-catching posters. Worth mentioning, it is his participation in exhibitions in public theatres and during radio performances.
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